Isabel Barroso's 60th Birthday

In September, I will celebrate my 60th birthday. 60 years, 'that's worth celebrating big!' they tell me. And it's true that I want to celebrate all the life, love, and accomplishments that these years contain. To mark this round number, I would like to give my birthday as a gift to Académie Zénith.

It's important to know that the majority of accommodations for individuals with intellectual disabilities only serve young people under the age of 21. This change disrupts the lives of young adults who no longer have the opportunity to socialize, and their families must reorganize their daily routines to become available full-time. Académie Zénith addresses this gap by offering an enriching center for individuals aged 21 and older. The program offered there stimulates and entertains the young adults while allowing their families to take a break.

Currently, the spaces at Académie Zénith are limited, but together, we can contribute to its expansion and ensure that more families can benefit from this essential service. If you feel inclined, I invite you to make a small donation to support this great cause. $1, $5, $20... Every amount is welcome.

Whether you choose to donate or not, you can also lend us a hand by sharing this page!

Isabel Barroso

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Donor list

Creation DateFirst nameLast nameCommentAmount
11-16-2023Merci / Thank youaux différents donateurs / to the various donors2890.00 $

1 Number of donors

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